Protecting America's Main Street in North Carolina

North Carolina Legislation

Governor McCrory: Withdraw your application to toll I-95 from the Federal Highway Administration!

During his campaign, Governor Pat McCrory publically stated his opposition to tolls on I-95. Now, it is time for him to keep his word and rescind North Carolina’s application to the Federal Highway Administration to toll I-95.

North Carolina General Assembly

The North Carolina General Assembly is currently in session. There are a number of pieces of legislation that would keep tolls off of I-95. We need to tell our elected officials to SUPPORT SB 218 and HB 267. Email and call legislators TODAY and tell them that tolls on I-95 are highway robbery and they need to be stopped.


HB 267: AN ACT to prohibit the imposition of tolls on existing interstates without prior approval of the General Assembly.

SB 218: AN ACT to prohibit the imposition of tolls on Interstate 95 for TEN years and to require the prior approval of the General Assembly for tolling Interstate 95 thereafter.

Officials' Scorecard

Official Officials' Position
Senator Jackson Opposed
Senator Newton Opposed
Senator Rabin Opposed
Senator Clark Opposed
Senator Meredith Opposed
Senator Bryant Opposed
Senator Walters Opposed
Senator Don Davis Opposed
Rep. Brisson Opposed
Rep. Langdon Opposed
Rep. Floyd Opposed
Rep. Tolson Opposed
Rep. Collins Opposed
Rep. Wray Opposed
Rep. Waddell Opposed
Rep. Martin Opposed
Rep. Lewis Opposed
Rep. Daughtry Opposed
Rep. Lucas Still Reviewing



Have you signed the petition?

Say NO To Tolls on I-95!

Sign the petition to keep tolls off I-95 in North Carolina.

Not from NC? Select "out of state."

Contact No Tolls I-95

No Tolls I-95
260 Premier Blvd
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870

Phone: 252.537.3513
Fax: 252.535.5767

If we can provide you with further information or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
